Machiavelli 0 Geplaatst 28 november 2008 Rapport Share Geplaatst 28 november 2008 Een vriend zien huilen, schitterénd nummer. Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Mister_L 0 Geplaatst 4 december 2008 Rapport Share Geplaatst 4 december 2008 Milow - Herald of Free Enterprise This is the legend of eight sisters, Herald was the famous one It happened twenty years ago although the sea was calm It was 1987 and winter nearly gone On that Friday running late with rolling off and rolling on Trucks and cars were sleeping door by door and side by side Someone had to close the back door That day it must have slipped his mind He was fast asleep in his cabin, tired from cleaning out the hall While passengers were eating, indulging duty-free-for-all Herald of Free Enterprise Herald of Free Enterprise Herald of Free Enterprise In just ninety seconds, right down to the wire Sailing with the doors wide open so the waves kept pouring in As they passed the Outer Mole the disaster could begin A hundred yards from the shore right outside a Belgian port The lights went out the ship turned around and fell to starboard Then nothing but silence, silence and the cold Herald and her sisters never fit the mold Two months later she was refloated a final one-way trip exchange Pensioned off into the Thirld World Where they named her Flushing Range But in ’88 she broke in two, probably because of guilt Pride and Spirit changed their names They were all doomed since they were built This is the legend of eight sisters, Herald was the famous one It happened twenty years ago although the sea was calm I was just a boy then, holding daddy’s hands Watching on tv how Herald’s time came to an end Heel mooi nummer Even nog een korte toelichting die ik in dit geval maar even gauw van wikipedia pluk, aangezien dit nummer velen niet veel zal zeggen: bron: link De Herald of Free Enterprise was een Brits roll-on roll-off autoveer dat op 6 maart 1987, vlak na vertrek richting Dover uit de haven van Zeebrugge, kapseisde. De Herald of Free Enterprise was in 1980 gebouwd bij Schichau Unterweser AG in Bremerhaven (Duitsland) en had een lengte van 131,91 meter, een breedte van 23,19 meter en een diepgang van 5,72 meter. De maximumsnelheid was 22 knopen (41 km/h). Het schip was eigendom van rederij Townsend Thoresen die in januari 1987 gekocht was door P&O Ferries; de werknaam Townsend Thoresen werd een week na de ramp afgeschaft. De Pride of Free Enterprise (heet nu Oleander) en de Spirit of Free Enterprise (heet nu Anthi Marina) zijn zusterschepen. [bewerk] Oorzaak van de ramp Om 19:05, net na vertrek om zeven uur 's avonds, kapseisde het schip op zo'n 91 meter voor de Belgische kust. Er was op dat moment 80 man personeel aan boord en het vervoerde ongeveer 600 passagiers, 81 personenauto's, 3 bussen en 47 vrachtwagens. Analyse van de ramp leerde dat dit een typisch Human Factors ongeval bleek te zijn, waarin een combinatie van latente en actieve fouten op dit specifieke moment de opening tot het ongeval gaven. Tot de latente fouten kunnen zowel technische (ontwerp van het schip, ontbreken van waarschuwingssystemen) als organisatorische (onduidelijke taakverdeling bemanning, haast om op schematijd te varen) gerekend worden. Tot de actieve fouten het openlaten van de boegdeur, het te snel varen, het niet leeg zijn van de ballasttanks, en het drinken van alcohol tijdens actieve dienst door officieren. [bewerk] Verloop Een gebrekkige communicatie tussen de hogere kaders, die actief toezicht op de veiligheid op het schip niet hun verantwoordelijkheid achtten, en de medewerkers aan boord werd achteraf aangewezen als reden waarom de boegdeur niet gesloten werd. Hierdoor kon er water naar binnenstromen. Dat er daadwerkelijk water naar binnen stroomde kwam door de hoge boeggolf, die veroorzaakt werd omdat er sneller werd gevaren dan normaal omdat het schip vertraging had. Daar kwam nog bij dat het schip lager in het water lag dan normaal, omdat de ballasttanks die gebruikt werden tijdens het inladen nog niet helemaal leeggepompt waren. Het gebruik van deze tanks op zich was een uitzonderlijke procedure. De Herald of Free Enterprise voer normaal gesproken niet op deze route, en de laadbrug bleek, bij hoog water, niet hoog genoeg om het bovendek van het schip te bereiken. Door zeewater in de tanks te pompen kwam het schip lager in het water te liggen. Er bestonden plannen om de Herald of Free Enterprise technisch aan te passen om deze procedure te kunnen vermijden. De druk die er kennelijk op de operatie lag om "op tijd" te varen is een voorbeeld van een organisatorische, latente systeemfout. Het te snel laten varen van het schip terwijl de ballasttanks nog niet leeg waren duidt voorts op een gebrek aan situational awareness bij de verantwoordelijken op de brug. Men begreep op dat specifieke moment niet wat de consequenties van het eigen handelen zouden zijn. Situational awareness kan worden opgebouwd door middel van training, maar moet ter plekke zoveel mogelijk ondersteund worden door feedback van het systeem. In dit geval ontbrak op de brug een indicator die het sluiten van de boegdeur aangaf, waarmee de kans op het doorbreken van de keten van opéénvolgende fouten wellicht had kunnen worden doorbroken. Dit kan gezien worden als een latente, technische ontwerpfout. Door al deze factoren spoelde de boeggolf in het autodek en kapseisde het schip van 80.000 ton in 90 seconden. Het rampenplan wordt afgekondigd door de toenmalige gouverneur van West-Vlaanderen Olivier Vanneste, en mede door snel en efficiënt handelen van de Belgische hulpdiensten, waaronder duikers van het leger en de Civiele Bescherming, maar ook de dringende medische hulpverlening door het Belgische Rode Kruis is het aantal doden beperkt gebleven tot 193. Ook een aantal garnaalvissers, die als eerste op de plaats van de ramp waren en enkele bemanningsleden maakten de evacuatie snel en doeltreffend. De meeste slachtoffers waren Britten en zijn gestorven door uitputting in het ijskoude zeewater (2 à 3 °C). Drie personen werden nooit teruggevonden: een baby en twee Britse militairen. Dit type boten had vanwege het principe van roll-on-roll-off één groot dek, zodat de auto's de boot binnen konden rijden aan de achterkant, en bij aankomst aan de voorkant weer weg konden rijden. Hierdoor heeft een watermassa die op het dek terecht komt, enorm veel ruimte. De watermassa spoelt dan ook snel op één plek samen, wat een schip in zeer korte tijd kan doen kapseizen. Een tweede voorbeeld van een technische ontwerpfout die heeft bijgedragen aan dit ongeluk. Na het ongeluk zijn tussenschotten op de autodekken verplicht geworden voor dit type boten. De tussenschotten worden na aankomst van de passagiers gesloten en weer geopend als de boot gearriveerd is op de plaats van bestemming. Het schip is geborgen door het Nederlandse bedrijf Smit-Tak. De berging van het schip, waaraan 95 vakmensen deelnemen en waarvan de kosten op ca. 7,5 miljoen euro worden geraamd, begint op dinsdag 8 april om 8 uur 's morgens, een maand na de ramp. Daarna is het wrak verkocht aan Compania Naviera SA, die het een beetje opgelapt heeft en omgedoopt tot Flushing Range. In 1988 werd het schip gesloopt nadat het doormidden was gebroken. Samengevoegd: Quote: Op donderdag 04 december 2008 13:47:15 schreef Mister_L het volgende: This is the legend of eight sisters, Herald was the famous one Die eerste zin is trouwens mooi Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
LodewijkNapoleon 0 Geplaatst 4 december 2008 Rapport Share Geplaatst 4 december 2008 Ik ga sterven... Mijn God, ik weet wel, dà t ik zal sterven, ik ben een mens, die dra vergaat; ik kan mij hier geen goed verwerven, dat eeuwig mij ten dienste staat. Toon mij in Uw genade aan: hoe kan ik zalig sterven gaan. Ik weet niet, God, wannéér 'k zal sterven, de dood bedreigt mij ieder uur; een aarden vat valt licht aan scherven, der bloemen bloei is kort van duur. Maak daarom mij in dezen tijd reeds hier gereed voor d' eeuwigheid. Mijn God, ik weet niet, hòe 'k zal sterven, langs vreemde wegen gaat de dood; licht kan de een het leven derven, de ander gaat door groten nood. Hoe ook mijn levenseinde zij, niet zonder u! Blijf Gij nabij. Mijn God, ik weet niet, wáár 'k zal sterven, en welke grond mijn lichaam dekt. Maar doe mij Uwe gunst beërven, als Gij mij eens ten leven wekt. Waar zou ik immer U ontgaan, Uw stem zal 'k zelfs in 't graf verstaan. Getrouwe God, als 'k dan ga sterven beveel 'k mijn geest in Uwe hand: ik zal met Christus 't leven erven in 't overzijdse Vaderland. Is Hij nabij, 't is alles goed, hoe, waar, wanneer ik sterven moet. Gezang 239 uit de bundel der Ned. Herv. Kerk (1938) Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Jipperd 0 Geplaatst 12 december 2008 Rapport Share Geplaatst 12 december 2008 Delirious- All God's Children Light will come to those who wait From the shadows souls awake For these are the days when the nations will bow at the coming king All our kingdoms fall with the mountains And our empires crash into the sea For these are the days when the nations will rise for the coming king All gods children we will sing hallelujah Hope will come to those who wait As the heart of heaven breaks For these are the days when the least of us all see the coming king For these are the days when injustice will fall at the coming king There will come a day when this will all fall away And we'll be singing hallelujah Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
snuffie 0 Geplaatst 13 december 2008 Rapport Share Geplaatst 13 december 2008 Josh Groban - You are loved (don't give up) Don't give up It's just the weight of the world When your heart's heavy I...I will lift it for you Don't give up Because you want to be heard If silence keeps you I...I will break it for you Everybody wants to be understood Well I can hear you Everybody wants to be loved Don't give up Because you are loved Don't give up It's just the hurt that you hide When you're lost inside I...I will be there to find you Don't give up Because you want to burn bright If darkness blinds you I...I will shine to guide you Everybody wants to be understood Well I can hear you Everybody wants to be loved Don't give up Because you are loved You are loved Don't give up It's just the weight of the world Don't give up Every one needs to be heard You are loved luister Samengevoegd: Josh Groban - You raise me up When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; When troubles come and my heart burdened be; Then, I am still and wait here in the silence, Until you come and sit awhile with me. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be. There is no life - no life without its hunger; Each restless heart beats so imperfectly; But when you come and I am filled with wonder, Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.* You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be. You raise me up... To more than I can be. luister *hoort wel bij het liedje, zit er bij de versie van Josh Groban niet in.. Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
EulogÃa 0 Geplaatst 13 december 2008 Rapport Share Geplaatst 13 december 2008 Ambassador - Gimme Dat (AMBA!) Gimme dat fire (fire) Gimme dat flame (flame, flame) Gimme dat (gimme dat) Gimme dat (gimme dat) Gimme dat (gimme dat) Absolutely you can gimme dat If it's mine (gimme dat) It's good for me (gimme dat) I want it all Gimme dat bible Gimme dat mic I'll drop Jesus anyway so he can make a disciple Can't surpass Christ there's no takin' his title A passion for Christ I'll have you prayin' for revival Gimma my city, yeah Gimme dat-- less fish Gospel of peace, yeah You can give me dat-- fresh kicks Gimme dat Vest with your blessin' Lord I'm desperate You gave me your life So I look forward to my exit I used to be a punk-kid Used to wanna run, with Dudes dat wanna hunt that Turned our ones into hundreds Used to run the blunt to be blunt I wanted trees just to alter my mind Now I find im wantin' Jesus Used to run and roll mad deep with the street clique Corner holdin' heat on the low like a secret God's spirit penetrated my soul on a sneak tip Took control now I'm in his floor like a leaflet Gimme dat fire Gimme dat flame Gimme dat fresh wind Gimme dat rain Gimme dat freedom You can have the chains Gimme dat God who can gimme all things Gimme dat fire, flame Gimme dat fresh wind Gimme dat rain Gimme dat freedom You can have the chains Gimme dat God who can gimme all things I know you got riches I know you got ice Your life is a big party You're partyin' all night You don't mind not knowin' Christ In your mind dat's alright You might not get this now But you're kind of a Saul type You keep with the trends Cool's your middle name On your pants you got a chain The juice like Lil' Wayne You're tattooed in a Benz Maybe you're inarranged Ladies, you drivin' crazy Nothin's crazier than your frame! (This is a shame!) It's the age and I'm game To be an agent of change And at age, it's like a page in a flame Just smoke, just mirrors, just vapor is plain You see, a Holy God is not one of your favorite things I was just like you, But God moved on a fellow Gave me good news Dat I could use on the ghetto Maybe it's you who wants a U-turn to settle You dead or you do?? I'll tell you it's been settled Gimme dat fire Gimme dat flame Gimme dat fresh wind Gimme dat rain Gimme dat freedom You can have the chains Gimme dat God who can gimme all things Gimme dat fire, flame Gimme dat fresh wind Gimme dat rain Gimme dat freedom You can have the chains Gimme dat God who can gimme all things So you got platinum? We got our Lord If we want, we could ask him But he's our reward Gotta be perfect It can't be three out of four If you're sick of fallin' short Then he got a cure Gimme dat cure, dat door, dat hero Gimme dat grace dat never chased the dinero How much glory should you give your boy? Zero That would cause beef with the Lamb like a Gyro Gimme dat day reaches you over shinin' Truth over rhymin' Virtue over diamonds Gimme some change Sometimes I do need the dough Gimme some pain Somethin' -- I do need to grow Gimme what I won't ask for Don't gimme what I seek When I creep, I'm a sheep Gimme your pasture Gimme life Just like you intended It's like to see you raise the day you ascended Gimme dat fire Gimme dat flame Gimme dat fresh wind Gimme dat rain Gimme dat freedom You can have the chains Gimme dat God who can gimme all things Gimme dat fire, flame Gimme dat fresh wind Gimme dat rain Gimme dat freedom You can have the chains Gimme dat God who can gimme all things Yeah, this is just to let cats know Don't focus on what you can't have Get all you can have We call dat freedom Dat's the joy of God And his poeple In his world On his terms SHOUTOUT TO PASTOR E! Yeah Gimme dat, gimme dat, gimme dat I want it all, I want it all Gimme dat It's your boy Ambassador Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Machiavelli 0 Geplaatst 13 december 2008 Rapport Share Geplaatst 13 december 2008 Gimme gimme gimme Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Ol Moth 0 Geplaatst 13 december 2008 Rapport Share Geplaatst 13 december 2008 Reli-Hiphop-ABBA? Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Machiavelli 0 Geplaatst 13 december 2008 Rapport Share Geplaatst 13 december 2008 Reli hip-hop door een veertienjarige die een Sony MyFirst Microphone heeft gekregen. Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
EulogÃa 0 Geplaatst 13 december 2008 Rapport Share Geplaatst 13 december 2008 Quote: Op zaterdag 13 december 2008 23:54:29 schreef Machiavelli het volgende: Gimme gimme gimme Je hebt zeker nooit van het Nieuwtestamentische Griekse woord 'lambano' gehoord? En van de Oudtestamentische Jacob? (o.a. Gen 32:26, Rom 9:13) En van het terugeisen van de duivel van alles wat hij van de mensen gestolen heeft? (bv. Ex 22:7, Joh.10:10) Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
gewoon Paul 8 Geplaatst 30 december 2008 Rapport Share Geplaatst 30 december 2008 Herman van Veen- Kyrie Eleison Voor de bakker die zijn vuur laat doven voor de boer die zijn ploeg laat staan voor de metselaar die geen huis meer wil bouwen voor de herders die niet meer verder gaan Eleison, eleison, kyrie eleison Voor de meester die niet meer durft vertellen voor de priester die zijn gebed vergeet voor de dokter die niet meer kan genezen en voor de rechter die geen raad meer weet Eleison, eleison, kyrie eleison Voor de grootmoeder alleen op haar kamer voor opa die al vergeten is voor de angsten en slapeloze nachten voor 't verdriet dat niet geweten is Eleison, eleison, kyrie eleison Voor de minnaars die niet meer zingen voor de liefste die het huis verlaat voor al het nutteloze leed van de wereld voor ons zieltje dat tenonder gaat Eleison, eleison, kyrie eleison Voor de kinders in kelders gevangen zoveel onschuld verkracht en vermoord voor de politieke heersers door geld en macht ontspoord Eleison, eleison, kyrie eleison Voor onze bitsige bijtende woorden voor onze leugens en onze achterklap voor het paradijs dat we verloren voor onze levenslange ballingschap Eleison, eleison, kyrie eleison Voor cipiers en advocaten voor presidenten en inspecteurs voor adjudanten en commandanten voor commissarissen en controleurs Eleison, eleison, kyrie eleison Voor fabrikanten en voor commercianten en farizeeërs met groot gewin in hormonen drugs en wapens voor al 't kwaad er tussenin Eleison, eleison, kyrie eleison Ook voor vissers en voor matrozen en voor het boerenvolk op de tracteur voor 't zigeunervolk langs de wegen voor de schipper en de vrachtchauffeur Eleison, eleison, kyrie eleison Voor de buurvrouw en de glazenwasser voor de smid en voor de timmerman voor het ventje aan zijn loketje voor de zanger voor de orgelman Eleison, eleison, kyrie eleison Voor de moeder van 't kreupele kindje voor het lief van een dode soldaat voor het meiske zonder beminde voor al 't zeer dat nooit meer overgaat Eleison, eleison, kyrie eleison Voor wie zal ik hier nu nog zingen voor diegene die 'k hier vergeet er kan niemand zonder wat vrede rijke boer of arme proleet Eleison, eleison, kyrie eleison Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Jipperd 0 Geplaatst 30 december 2008 Rapport Share Geplaatst 30 december 2008 mooie tekst Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Andere Jas 2 Geplaatst 8 januari 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 8 januari 2009 Admod note: Tekst verwijderd. Teksten over dit soort onderwerpen zien we liever niet, of in ieder geval niet op deze manier verwoord. Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Gast Anon_phpbb Geplaatst 8 januari 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 8 januari 2009 - Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Andere Jas 2 Geplaatst 8 januari 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 8 januari 2009 Songteksten plaatsen. Zoals de titel aangeeft. Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
LodewijkNapoleon 0 Geplaatst 12 januari 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 12 januari 2009 Misschien omdat het ook daadwerkelijk zo goed is, maar misschien ook vooral omdat het thema 'communicatie' me zo aanspreekt: Pink Floyd - Keep talking For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals Then something happenend which unleashed the power of our imagination We learned to talk There's a silence surrounding me I can't seem to think straight I'll sit in the corner No one can bother me I think I should speak now ___________ Why won't you talk to me I can't seem to speak now ____________ You never talk to me My words won't come out right ________ What are you thinking I feel like I'm drowning _____________ What are you feeling I'm feeling weak now _________________ Why won't you talk to me But I can't show my weakness _________ You never talk to me I sometimes wonder ___________________ What are you thinking Where do we go from here _____________ What are you feeling It doesn't have to be like this All we need to do is make sure we keep talking Why won't you talk to me _____________ I feel like I'm drowning You never talk to me _________________ You know I can't breathe now What are you thinking ________________ We're going nowhere What are you feeling _________________ We're going nowhere Why won't you talk to me You never talk to me What are you thinking Where do we go from here It doesn't have to be like this All we need to do is make sure we keep talking Pink Floyd - Lost for words I was spending my time in the doldrums I was caught in the cauldron of hate I felt persecuted and paralyzed I thought that everything else would just wait While you are wasting your time on your enemies Engulfed in a fever of spite Beyond your tunnel vision reality fades Like shadows into the night To martyr yourself to caution Is not going to help at all Because there'll be no safety in numbers When the Right One walks out of the door Can you see your days blighted by darkness? Is it true you beat your fists on the floor? Stuck in a world of isolation While ivy grows over the door So I open my door to my enemies And I ask could we wipe the slate clean But they tell me to please go fuck myself You know you just can't win Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Liset 0 Geplaatst 12 februari 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 12 februari 2009 Lily Allen - Chinese I see you from the sky And I wonder how long it will take me to get home I wait for an hour or so at the carousel I have a cigarette to pass the time Cause the traffic's hell I don't want anything more Than to see your face when you open the door You'll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV Tomorrow we'll take the dog for a walk And in the afternoon then maybe we'll talk I'll be exhausted so I'll probably sleep And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV You wipe the tears from my eye And you say that all that it takes is a phone call I cry at the thought of being alone and then I wonder how long it will take til I'm home again I don't want anything more Than to see your face when you open the door You'll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV Tomorrow we'll take the dog for a walk And in the afternoon then maybe we'll talk I'll be exhausted so I'll probably sleep And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV I know it doesn't seem so fair But I'll send you a postcard when I get there I don't want anything more Than to see your face when you open the door You'll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV Tomorrow we'll take the dog for a walk And in the afternoon then maybe we'll talk I'll be exhausted so I'll probably sleep And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Credible 0 Geplaatst 13 februari 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 13 februari 2009 Nu aan het rippen van LP naar mp3: Steve Taylor - Drive, He Said On a desert road that steamed the sky With the windows up and the air on high I was off the stage, I was on the mend With a solo drive to a holiday weekend My thirsty car came to a stop At the Reptile Gardens Curio Shop When a wind came hissing through the vents, And I felt my sneakers growing tense My forehead broke in a cold, cold sweat In the rear view mirror was a silhouette Then I heard the door locks take a dive And a whisper screamed "Don't turn around, just drive" Scratch! Dressed in red Pointy tail and horn-rimmed head And a widow's peak like Eddie Munster I sat frozen in my seat "We haven't had the chance to meet Are you a singing telegram or something?" He just flashed a hellish smile "Let's go driving for a while" He held something in his hand I'd never seen before It was my Chevrolet's pink slip Scratch! Evil eye "Step on it, boy, if you want to stay alive" he said "Don't look surprised, you know what I want I've lived for years inside your trunk, so drive" he said "Let's get talking business, son You ain't fooling anyone I know just what you want to be Now it's time to work for me, so drive" If this is a nasty dream I'd prefer to wake up here I believe the point is clear Scratch! Out of my car! He said "Ha! I've come too far Besides, I kinda like the velour seat covers" God, help me! What do I do? "Shut up boy, it's too late for you, now drive!" "All you phonies get it wrong Double lives take half as long Should have kept your windows clean Now I'm part of this machine" "You've got a good 80,000 miles left Before the recall" If this is a nasty dream I believe the point's quite clear I'd prefer to wake up here Please I started humming Amazing Grace He said "Come on, boy, give me a break" So I hit the brakes with both my feet And sent two horns through the bucket seat Then the locks shot up as the grace came down I said "Here's the keys, I'll be walking back to town" Samengevoegd: Een nummer dat mij nog steeds kippenvel geeft: Don Francisco - Got To Tell Somebody She kept on getting weaker as day dragged into day The doctors gave no hope for her; she seemed to fade away My hours were filled with constant dread; time became a knife That slowly and relentlessly cut the cord of life There was a teacher in the region then some of us had heard That He'd healed the paralytic by the power of just His Word So with hope again rekindled I went at once to see If I could find a man named Jesus from a town in Galilee I began to search the city and soon I saw the crowd They were pressing in to touch Him and they called His Name out loud But with the strength of desperation I pushed them all aside I through myself before Him and from my knees I cried "Lord, come and heal my daughter, even now she's close to death Her fever's uncontrollable, she fights for every breath But God's given You the power; life is Yours to give If you'll just lay Your hands on her I know that she will live" (She will live, she will live) Well, He'd just begun to go with me when a face I saw with fear Came towards me with the news I knew I didn't want to hear And although I tried to steel myself I trembled when he said "Why bother the Teacher anymore, your little girl is dead." Then Jesus touched my shoulder and He told me not to grieve The trembling stopped when He looked at me and said, "Only believe" Then He sent the crowds away except His closest men And they followed right behind us as we started off again But we were still a long ways down the road when I heard the sounds and cries Of the mourners and musicians as they strove to dramatize My grief they had no business with beneath their loud disguise My wife just sat there silently and stared through empty eyes Then Jesus asked the mourners, "Why is it that you weep? She isn't dead as you suppose, the child is just asleep." It only took a moment for their wails to turn to jeers "Who does this man think he is? Get him out of here!" With authority I've never heard in the lips of any man He spoke and every sound rolled out with the thunder of command And in the sudden silence they all hurried for the door Wondering what the reasons were they'd ever come there for Then He called his three disciples that were with Him on the way He led them and my wife and me to where our daughter lay He took her by the hand; He told her "Child, arise" And the words were barely spoken when she opened up her eyes She rose and walked across the room and stood there at our sides My wife knelt down and held her close and at last she really cried And then Jesus told us both to see that our daughter had some food But as to how her life was saved, not to speak a word... Not to speak a word... I got to tell somebody I got to tell somebody I got to tell somebody I got to tell somebody I got to tell somebody, got to tell somebody, what Jesus did for me I got to tell somebody, got to tell somebody, what Jesus did for me I got to tell somebody, got to tell somebody, what Jesus did for me I got to tell somebody, got to tell somebody, what Jesus did for me Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
gewoon Paul 8 Geplaatst 16 februari 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 16 februari 2009 Quote: Op vrijdag 13 februari 2009 23:56:00 schreef Rudibu het volgende: Don Francisco - Got To Tell Somebody She kept on getting weaker as day dragged into day The doctors gave no hope for her; she seemed to fade away My hours were filled with constant dread; time became a knife That slowly and relentlessly cut the cord of life There was a teacher in the region then some of us had heard That He'd healed the paralytic by the power of just His Word So with hope again rekindled I went at once to see If I could find a man named Jesus from a town in Galilee I began to search the city and soon I saw the crowd They were pressing in to touch Him and they called His Name out loud But with the strength of desperation I pushed them all aside I through myself before Him and from my knees I cried "Lord, come and heal my daughter, even now she's close to death Her fever's uncontrollable, she fights for every breath But God's given You the power; life is Yours to give If you'll just lay Your hands on her I know that she will live" (She will live, she will live) Well, He'd just begun to go with me when a face I saw with fear Came towards me with the news I knew I didn't want to hear And although I tried to steel myself I trembled when he said "Why bother the Teacher anymore, your little girl is dead." Then Jesus touched my shoulder and He told me not to grieve The trembling stopped when He looked at me and said, "Only believe" Then He sent the crowds away except His closest men And they followed right behind us as we started off again But we were still a long ways down the road when I heard the sounds and cries Of the mourners and musicians as they strove to dramatize My grief they had no business with beneath their loud disguise My wife just sat there silently and stared through empty eyes Then Jesus asked the mourners, "Why is it that you weep? She isn't dead as you suppose, the child is just asleep." It only took a moment for their wails to turn to jeers "Who does this man think he is? Get him out of here!" With authority I've never heard in the lips of any man He spoke and every sound rolled out with the thunder of command And in the sudden silence they all hurried for the door Wondering what the reasons were they'd ever come there for Then He called his three disciples that were with Him on the way He led them and my wife and me to where our daughter lay He took her by the hand; He told her "Child, arise" And the words were barely spoken when she opened up her eyes She rose and walked across the room and stood there at our sides My wife knelt down and held her close and at last she really cried And then Jesus told us both to see that our daughter had some food But as to how her life was saved, not to speak a word... Not to speak a word... I got to tell somebody I got to tell somebody I got to tell somebody I got to tell somebody I got to tell somebody, got to tell somebody, what Jesus did for me I got to tell somebody, got to tell somebody, what Jesus did for me I got to tell somebody, got to tell somebody, what Jesus did for me I got to tell somebody, got to tell somebody, what Jesus did for me We hadden een casette van hem, waar ditnummer op stond, maar daar is allang he een en ander overheen opgenomen Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Jipperd 0 Geplaatst 4 maart 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 4 maart 2009 Emerson Hart - Flyin' Big blue skies and an open field My right hand on the steering wheel Two young lovers runnin' wild We bought string and a brand new kite We couldn't wait to watch it fly But it flew too high, it flew too high Here comes the wind let your string unwind Run as fast as you can in your mind Back to a place that you never forgot Before everything was lost I don't remember when we ran out of rope When we did we lost all hope And we just stood there cryin' That what's we learned about flyin' So I took your hand and you took mine And we waltzed togheter in time But looking back I guess I didn't know That I was in love and you were letting go It's funny how your mind plays tricks on you Seemed like the higher and higher we flew You took off and I was made of stone I was made of stone Here comes the wind let your string unwind Run as fast as you can in your mind Back to a place that you never forgot Before everything was lost I don't remember when we ran out of rope When we did we lost all hope And we just stood there cryin' That what's we learned about flyin' Here comes the wind let your string unwind Run as fast as you can in your mind Back to a place that you never forgot Before everything was lost I don't remember when we ran out of rope When we did we lost all hope And we just stood there cryin' That what's we learned about flyin' Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
LodewijkNapoleon 0 Geplaatst 8 maart 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 8 maart 2009 What would do think if I sang out of tune, Would you stand up and walk out on me. Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song, And I'll try not to sing out of key. Oh I get by with a little help from my friends, He gets high with a little help from his friends, Oh I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends. What do I do when my love is away. (Does it worry you to be alone) How do I feel by the end of the day (Are you sad because you're on your own) No, I get by with a little help from my friends, Mmm I get high with a little help from my friends, Mmm I'm gonna to try with a little help from my friends Do you need anybody? I need somebody to love. Could it be anybody? I want somebody to love. Would you believe in a love at first sight? Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time. What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you, but I know it's mine. Oh I get by with a little help from my friends, Mmm I get high with a little help from my friends, Oh I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends Do you need anybody? I need someone to love. Could it be anybody? I want somebody to love Oh... I get by with a little help from my friends, I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends I get high with a little help from my friends Yes I get by with a little help from my friends, with a little help from my friends Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
LodewijkNapoleon 0 Geplaatst 16 maart 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 16 maart 2009 Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird If I leave here tomorrow Would you still remember me? For I must be travelling on, now, 'Cause there's too many places I've got to see. But, if I stayed here with you, girl, Things just couldn't be the same. 'Cause I'm as free as a bird now, And this bird you can not change. Lord knows, I can't change. Bye, bye, its been a sweet love. Though this feeling I can't change. But please don't take it badly, 'Cause Lord knows I'm to blame. But, if I stayed here with you girl, Things just couldn't be the same. Cause I'm as free as a bird now, And this bird you'll never change. And this bird you can not change. Lord knows, I can't change. Lord help me, I can't change. Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
Esther 0 Geplaatst 17 maart 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 17 maart 2009 White as snow van U2 (nieuwe album) Where I came from there were no hills at all The land was flat, the highways straight and wide My brother and I would drive for hours Like years instead of days Our faces as pale as the dirty snow Once I knew there was a love divine Then came a time I thought it knew me not Who can forgive forgiveness where forgiveness is not Only the lamb as white as snow And the water, it was icy As it washed over me And the moon shone above me Now this dry ground it bears no fruit at all Only poppies laugh under the crescent moon The road refuses strangers The land the seeds we sow Where might we find the lamb as white as snow As boys we would go hunting in the woods To sleep the night shooting out the stars Now the wolves are every passing stranger Every face we cannot know If only a heart could be as white as snow If only a heart could be as white as snow Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
LodewijkNapoleon 0 Geplaatst 18 maart 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 18 maart 2009 mooi! Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
MarinusCopy 0 Geplaatst 18 maart 2009 Rapport Share Geplaatst 18 maart 2009 Barbie Girl lyrics Hi Barbie Hi Ken! Do you wanna go for a ride? Sure Ken! Jump In... I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world Life in plastic, it's fantastic! you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation Come on Barbie, let's go party! I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world Life in plastic, it's fantastic! you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation I'm a blond bimbo girl, in the fantasy world Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink, kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky... You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours" (uu-oooh-u) I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world Life in plastic, it's fantastic! you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation Come on Barbie, let's go party! (Ah-ah-ah-yeah) Come on Barbie, let's go party! (uu-oooh-u) Come on Barbie, let's go party! (Ah-ah-ah-yeah) Come on Barbie, let's go party! (uu-oooh-u) Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees Come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again, hit the town, fool around, let's go party You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours" You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours" Come on Barbie, let's go party! (Ah-ah-ah-yeah) Come on Barbie, let's go party! (uu-oooh-u) Come on Barbie, let's go party! (Ah-ah-ah-yeah) Come on Barbie, let's go party! (uu-oooh-u) I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world Life in plastic, it's fantastic! you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world Life in plastic, it's fantastic! you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation Come on Barbie, let's go party! (Ah-ah-ah-yeah) Come on Barbie, let's go party! (uu-oooh-u) Come on Barbie, let's go party! (Ah-ah-ah-yeah) Come on Barbie, let's go party! (uu-oooh-u) Oh, I'm having so much fun! Well Barbie, we're just getting started Oh, I love you Ken! Samengevoegd: Quote: Just try to break me Take everything away Just try to shake me Out of my place Nothing’s created And nothing is destroyed Just try to tame me You’ll never find a way There’s no containing And no way to brake Nothing’s created And nothing is destroyed [Chorus] Take it away, I'll never give this up No way to break We’re all made of love (There isn’t a way) We’re all made of love Just try to save me There’s nothing you can change There’s no explaining And no one to blame Nothing’s created And nothing can destroy I'll never give this up We’re all made of love We’re all made of love [Chorus 2x] I'll never give this up We’re all made of love We’re all made of love Zelfs het banale heeft zo zijn schoonheid Link naar bericht Deel via andere websites
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