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Berichten geplaatst door ArjenV

  1. Ik ben op dreef, het is niet te geloven.

    It may...

    It may be your eyes,

    it may be your smile.

    It may be your hair,

    it may be your cry.

    It may be your scent,

    it may be your touch.

    It may be your hugs,

    it may be your love.

    It may be your love,

    and it might not be it.

    And it may just be it,

    but it might not be love.

    All I know is;

    I'm drowning in it.

  2. Human Nature

    What sometimes seems like a gift,

    sometimes feels like a curse.

    What sometimes feels like freedom,

    sometimes feels like a cage.

    Is the grass always greener on the other side?

    Is being free a burden,

    and being locked a gift?

    Is it human nature,

    to have what you like,

    but not to like what you have?

  3. Quote:

    Op donderdag 21 september 2006 22:08:39 schreef Jippiej het volgende:

    Het is dan nog altijd
    Topic hè, Arjen?


    to·pic (de ~, ~s)

    1 onderwerp van gesprek

    de = deze

    het = dit

    de koe

    deze koe

    het huis

    dit huis

  4. Quote:
    Op woensdag 20 september 2006 23:55:03 schreef Joëlle het volgende:

    Hi all,

    Kennen jullie TopGear? Of Braniac? Beide programma's worden (deels) door Richard Hammond gepresenteerd. Zojuist las ik dat hij vandaag een auto ongeluk heeft gehad tijdens opnames voor Top Gear. Hij is met hersenletsel opgenomen in t ziekenhuis en z'n toestand is kritiek.


    TV presenter critical after crash

    The presenter is being treated at Leeds General Infirmary

    Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond is critically ill in hospital after a crash in a jet-powered car while filming for the programme.

    The 36-year-old presenter was taken by air ambulance to Leeds General Infirmary's neurological unit.

    A North Yorkshire Ambulance Service spokesman said he was unconscious when they got to the scene and a hospital spokesman described him as "critical".

    The Top Gear shoot was at the former RAF airfield in Elvington, Yorkshire.

    He has brought an awful lot to the programme

    Quentin Wilson, former Top Gear presenter

    Inspector Mike Thompson, of North Yorkshire Police, said: "At 5.45pm this evening we received a report via the fire service of a male person trapped in what was described as an overturned jet car which had been driven on the airfield.

    "The male occupant has received serious injuries and has been airlifted to hospital at Leeds."

    Former Top Gear presenter Quentin Willson said the presenter was "irreplaceable".

    He said: "He is a wonderful, unique and distinctive Top Gear presenter.

    "He has brought an awful lot to the programme and his indefatigable energy, the fact that he tries absolutely anything once, may have been the reason that he has overstepped the mark a bit.

    "He has turned Top Gear into a gang show with Jeremy and James and the three of them have wowed audiences all over the world and he is an international personality."

    Mr Willson added: "There is no pressure from the BBC or the producer to take undue risks.

    "But that pressure is in your own head. You want to do an item on the programme which is mindblowing.

    "You want to do a fantastic item that blows everybody away."

    The presenter was born in Birmingham, educated in Yorkshire and lives near Cheltenham.

    In addition to presenting Top Gear for the BBC, he also fronted Brainiac on Sky One until recently.

    (bron: bbc.co.uk)

    hij is zo'n vet grappige, leuke en toffe presentator. 't Was te verwachten dat ze ooit eens een ongeluk zouden krijgen, want wat Clarkson, Hammond en May allemaal uitspoken met die auto's is gewoon te gek. hoop echt dat ie er weer helemaal bovenop komt

    TV presenter Richard Hammond is in a stable condition after he crashed in a jet-powered car while filming for Top Gear.

    En de rest is hier te lezen want, Joelle, Engels mag helemaal niet puh2.gif

  5. In de trein naar huis, want je moet iets als je een hoofdstuk uit hebt uit een boek gemaakt van metaforen =p


    Sitting in the train

    endless streams of landscape passing by

    just as the thoughts in my head

    coming and going

    but never there to stay.

    Beautiful landscape, ugly landscape

    good thought, bad thought

    love, pain, anger, hate

    coming and going

    but never there to stay.

    Sucked into oblivion

    by this endless void

    of emotions.

    Coming and going,

    but never there to stay.

    Dark as night

    bright as day

    it doesn't matter to me, since they are

    coming and going

    but never there to stay.

  6. Quote:
    Op maandag 18 september 2006 01:36:40 schreef The Black Mathematician het volgende:


    Heb je van deze wel het opschrift gezien?

    Ik liep er langs toen ik in de stad liep, ik ben niet voor de winkel gaan staan turen naar een string.

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