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gewoon Paul

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Berichten geplaatst door gewoon Paul

  1. John Denver- cowboy's delight

    sing songs of the sunrise into the night

    the stars as your timepiece will make it all right

    make friends with the darkness talk to the moon

    and when the light lifts you can let out a tune

    've been to the mountains, climbed trough the sky

    showed them their wildness, watched their gold fly

    shad in their tresures, shuck out their might

    spoke softly of wonders, cowboy's delight

    sing songs of the sunrise into the night

    a song of the mountains, cowboy's delight

    the stars as your timepiece will make it allright

    sing songs of the mountains, cowboy's delight

    Golden earring- another 45 miles

    Here comes the night A veil over the light

    In the distance some shadows, of the clouds in the sky

    I've got to get home to my child, my wife

    Here comes the night Got to get back, got to get me a ride

    It look's like the road is swallowing me up

    Got to hurry home Don't dare to look back,

    Blueville is straight ahaed


    Another 45 miles to go, Another 45 miles before I'm home

    I wish that the sunlight, was burning in my eyes

    Instead of shades, black faces of the skys

    Another 45 miles to go, Another 45 miles before I'm home

    I wish I could pay the sun to run

    And I had some more time with my wife my sun

    Clouds in the sky Gathering for a fight

    Chasing there prey till they can't go on

    I mend my pace, Because my bride is waiting home

    Here comes the night, I'm scared to death got to get me a ride

    It looks like the road is swallowing me up

    Got to hurry home Don't dare to look back,

    Blueville is straight ahead

    Another 45 miles to go, Another 45 miles before I'm home

    I wish that the sunlight, was burning in my eyes

    Instead of shades, black faces of the skys

    Another 45 miles to go, Another 45 miles before I'm home

    I wish I could pay the sun to run

    And I had some more time with my wife my sun

    Ooh.. Another 45 miles to go Another 45 miles before I'm home

    I wish that the sunlight, was burning in my eyes

    Instead of shades, black faces of the skys

    Another 45 mileees to goo....

  2. * pallum komt binnenlopen

    Het leven is mooi, het is weer vrijdag

    en je fietst het weekend in

    het leven is mooi, het is weer vrijdag

    alles voelals een nieuw begin!!

    Sorry mensen, ik ben weer vrolijk vandaag!!

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