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Over emy

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  • Interesse
    I want to know people christian in Holland.
  1. Haloo everybody! I would like to know people and speak about bible, any kind of religen. Just in english for the moment. Dutch, I lean. I know just few words. I come from Hungary and now live in Nederland because my husbend work hier.I live near Uden. If someone have time for me my email adress is: emilia_dez@yahoo.com Have a good day!
  2. Haloo everybody! I would like to know people and speak about bible, any kind of religen. Just in english for the moment. Dutch, I lean. I know just few words. I come from Hungary and now live in Nederland because my husbend work hier.I live near Uden. If someone have time for me my email adress is: emilia_dez@yahoo.com Have a good day!
  3. Haloo everybody! I would like to know people and speak about bible, any kind of religen. Just in english for the moment. Dutch, I lean. I know just few words. I come from Hungary and now live in Nederland because my husbend work hier.I live near Uden. If someone have time for me my email adress is: emilia_dez@yahoo.com Have a good day!
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