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Berichten geplaatst door paultsje

  1. Quote:
    Op donderdag 11 januari 2007 12:45:52 schreef Thijs het volgende:

    Zeg, er was een andere Paul op credible die ook van Kutless hield ook van vrachtwagens hield...weet je zeker dat je geen kloon bent?

    ik ben terug van weggeweest vriend. Ik kan me niet meer normaal inloggen op mijn oude gegevens dussss... Snappie?

  2. Hier komen een paar teksten van Kutless die ik heel erg mooi vind:


    I hear the voices Of thousands

    All gathered here

    Are they just a noise Soon lost in air

    Or is there more Is there more

    You lift your hands up high

    Reaching to the sky

    Is there a reason

    Can, can you tell me why

    Or is there more Is there more

    So let me ask you

    Can't you feel the music

    All around you

    Flashing lights

    But love can fill your mind

    Can't you feel the sounds

    Of love flow through you

    We're praising Him tonight

    Can't you feel the music

    All around you

    Flashing lights

    But love can fill your mind

    Can't you feel the sounds

    Of love flow through you

    We're praising Him tonight

    Some say that It's, it's not right

    For us to praise

    On, on this type of night

    Tonight there's more There's more

    So let me ask you

    Can't you feel the music

    All around you

    Flashing lights

    But love can fill your mind

    Can't you feel the sounds

    Of love flow through you

    We're praising Him tonight


    Many things in life are hard for me

    Many things can pull us down

    I don't understand why I do what I do

    How could I take my eyes off you

    After all You've done for me

    And after all You've done for me

    It's by Your grace and love I am saved

    It's by Your grace and love You've forgiven me

    And by that love and grace I'm amazed

    It's by Your grace and love I am free

    I am free, I am free, I am free

    And it's by grace and love that I am free

    I'll live with You eternally

    I thank you Lord that I am free

    I thank You Lord for loving me

    I thank You Lord for dying upon the tree of Calvary

    I thank You Lord for loving me

    I thank You Lord for dying for me

    Because it's by grace and love I am saved

    It's by Your grace and love You've forgiven me

    And by that love and grace, I'm amazed

    It's by Your grace and love I am free

    I am free, I am free, I am free

    Many things in life are hard for me

    Many things can pull us down

    But by grace and love You've forgiven me

    And by grace and love we are free


    Lying here, in this pit that life's pushed me down

    I don't know, just how long I can take or when I might break

    I'm in needing so someone, please show me the truth

    This need is real in my soul I feel the love You shared that's why I can't say no again

    My thoughts are confused for my sins Your abused

    My heart it screams, to open up and let You in

    In my mind, I'm still fighting to understand

    Nothing's free, but what You offer me, You give so freely, though it cost You Your life and inside, You show me the truth

    This need is real in my soul I feel the love You shared that's why I can't say no again

    My thoughts are confused for my sins Your abused

    My heart it screams, to open up and let You in

    You know I try to do it. To be a self made man

    I tried to place it all upon my back again

    But this crushing weight was well beneath the skin

    Panicking for the light, an inner struggle I fight

    But then I realized that You could be the only way

    This need is real in my soul I feel the love You shared that's why I can't say no again

    My thoughts are confused for my sins Your abused

    My heart it screams, to open up and let You in

    Let You in...


    It feels like your life's crashing down all around you

    Let me ask if it's really so bad

    Look at the world in it's suffering

    Can you honestly tell me that no one else could understand

    All the hurting inside

    Why can't you see that freedom is sometimes simply another perspective away

    Who could you be if your lens was changed for a moment,

    Would you still be the same

    A young child looks through a great stained glass window

    Watching the people go by

    Everyone seems to be wearing a red coat

    His mother sees jackets in white

    Now he can't understand why does she see it this way

    Why can't you see that freedom is sometimes simply another perspective away

    Who could you be if your lens was changed for a moment,

    Would you still be the same

    Yesterday, you really couldn't see

    By changing your angle a new world would be

    Revealed to your once blinded eyes by moving a few degrees

    Why can't you see that freedom is sometimes simply another perspective away

    Who could you be if your lens was changed for a moment,

    Would you still be the same

    Er zijn er nog meer maar dit vind ik tot nu toe de mooiste.

  3. Een paar maanden geleden heb ik tijdens een aanbiddings avond heel mooi een nummer gehoord die ik nog niet kende. Ik weet alleen het reffrein nog. Hier komt ie:

    this is Jesus in His glory

    king of heaven dying for me

    (deze zin weet ik ook niet meer)

    death is beaten he has done it

    heaven bacons me

    Heeft iemand de hele tekst van dit lied voor me? BVD!!!

    De aanbiddings leiding was van Reconcile echt goed zijn ze zeg!

  4. Alloa mensen ik ben weer terug van weggeweest. Ik ben Paul Kingma, bij vrienden bekend als ome paul, plpl, bob de bouwer en nog veel meer. Ik woon in Nijkerk nog bij mijn ouders, en ben student SPW 3. leuke opleiding, al denk ik niet echt dat het bij me past. Ben 17 jaar en heb 5 hechte vrienden in de kerk waar ik veel mee omga. wil je meer van me weten mail me dan.


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