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Berichten geplaatst door Essiej

  1. this world

    this world is cold

    but you don't

    you don't have to go

    you're feeling sad you're feeling lonely

    and no one seems to care

    your mothers gone and your father hits you

    this pain you cannot bear

    but we all bleed the same way that you do

    and we all have the same things to go through

    hold on if you feel like letting go

    hold on it gets better than you know

    the days you say they're way too long

    and your nights, you cant sleep at all

    hold on

    your not sure what your waiting for but you don't want to no more

    and your not sure what your looking for but you don't want to no more

    but we all bleed the same way as you do

    and we all have the same things to go through

    hold on if you feel like letting go

    hold on it gets better than you know

    don't stop looking your one step closer

    don't stop searching its not over

    hold on

    what are you looking for

    what are you waiting for

    do you know what your doing to me

    go ahead

    what are you waiting for

    hold on if you feel like letting go

    hold on it gets better than you know

    don't stop looking you're one step closer

    don't stop searching it's not over

    hold on if you feel like letting go

    hold on it gets better than you know

    hold on

    Samengevoegde post 13-11-2006 19:35:37:

    this world

    this world is cold

    but you don't

    you don't have to go

    you're feeling sad you're feeling lonely

    and no one seems to care

    your mothers gone and your father hits you

    this pain you cannot bear

    but we all bleed the same way that you do

    and we all have the same things to go through

    hold on if you feel like letting go

    hold on it gets better than you know

    the days you say they're way too long

    and your nights, you cant sleep at all

    hold on

    your not sure what your waiting for but you don't want to no more

    and your not sure what your looking for but you don't want to no more

    but we all bleed the same way as you do

    and we all have the same things to go through

    hold on if you feel like letting go

    hold on it gets better than you know

    don't stop looking your one step closer

    don't stop searching its not over

    hold on

    what are you looking for

    what are you waiting for

    do you know what your doing to me

    go ahead

    what are you waiting for

    hold on if you feel like letting go

    hold on it gets better than you know

    don't stop looking you're one step closer

    don't stop searching it's not over

    hold on if you feel like letting go

    hold on it gets better than you know

    hold on

  2. Ik weet het niet meer

    me beste vriendin en ik hebben opeens zo vaak ruzie

    ik ken der al 13 jaar

    onze ouders hebben contact en onze broers

    dus heel vaak zijn we met ze 8en bij elkaar

    maar me beste vriendin zit ook op me school

    en we hebben heel vaak in de pauze ruzie

    waarom weet ik ook niet

    maar zij heeft haar problemen

    ik heb mij problemen

    en we kunnen elkaar ook niet echt meer helpen

    zij gaat opeens veel meer met andere om

    en ik weer met andere

    en als we bij elkaar zijn zeggen we bijna niks of ik krijg weer kritiek op iets

    of het gesprek loopt niet lekker

    en we lopen weer weg van elkaar

    maar we kennen elkaar al zo lang

    als ik eerlijk ben wil ik der echt niet meer kwijt

    maar met haar hier over praten helpt ook niet echt

    al genoeg geprobeerd

    ik weet het echt niet meer

    het lijkt wel alsof ze me haat ofzoboosrood.gif

    want haar boeit het ook niet meer als ik me gesneden heb XS

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